Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 10 - Verse 33
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 1 - Verse 33 Sanskrit: एतद्भगवतो रूपं स्थूलं ते व्याहृतं मया ।मह्यादिभिश्चावरणैरष्टभिर्बहिरावृतम् ॥ ३३ ॥ ITRANS: etad bhagavato rūpaṁsthūlaṁ te vyāhṛtaṁ mayāmahy-ādibhiś cāvaraṇairaṣṭabhir bahir āvṛtam Translation: Thus by all this, the external feature of the Personality of Godhead is covered by gross forms such as those of planets, which were explained to you by me. Purport: As explained in the Bhagavad-gītā (7.4), the separated material energy of the Personality of Godhead is covered by eight kinds of material coverings: earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and false ego....