Mandukya Karika, verse 4.38
Mandukya Karika, verse 4.38 Text उत्पादस्याप्रसिद्धत्वादजं सर्वमुदाहृतम् । न च भूतादभूतस्य संभवो'स्ति कथंचन ॥ ३८ ॥ utpādasyāprasiddhatvādajaṃ sarvamudāhṛtam | na ca bhūtādabhūtasya saṃbhavo'sti kathaṃcana || 38 || 38. All these are known as unborn, as their creation or evolution cannot be established as a fact. It is ever impossible for the unreal to be born of the real. Shankara Bhashya (commentary) (Objection)—Though the waking experiences are the cause of the dream ones, still the former cannot be unreal like the latter....