BG: 18.52
Shloka विविक्तसेवी लघ्वाशी यतवाक्कायमानसः | ध्यानयोगपरो नित्यं वैराग्यं समुपाश्रितः ||१८-५२|| Transliteration viviktasevī laghvāśī yatavākkāyamānasaḥ . dhyānayogaparo nityaṃ vairāgyaṃ samupāśritaḥ ||18-52|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.52. Who enjoys solitude, eats lightly, has controlled his speech-organ, body and mind; who is permanently devoted to the meditation-Yoga; and who has taken shelter in the perennial desirelessness; Shri Purohit Swami 18.52 Enjoying solitude, abstemiousness, his body, mind and speech under perfect control, absorbed in meditation, he becomes free - always filled with the spirit of renunciation....