BG: 2.46
Shloka यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः सम्प्लुतोदके | तावान्सर्वेषु वेदेषु ब्राह्मणस्य विजानतः ||२-४६|| Transliteration yāvānartha udapāne sarvataḥ samplutodake . tāvānsarveṣu vedeṣu brāhmaṇasya vijānataḥ ||2-46|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.46. What portion in a reservoir, flooded with water everywhere, is useful [for a man in thirst], that much portion [alone] in all the Vedas is useful for an intelligent student of the Vedas. Shri Purohit Swami 2.46 As a man can drink water from any side of a full tank, so the skilled theologian can wrest from any scripture that which will serve his purpose....