BG: 13.12
Shloka अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम् | एतज्ज्ञानमिति प्रोक्तमज्ञानं यदतोऽन्यथा ||१३-१२|| Transliteration adhyātmajñānanityatvaṃ tattvajñānārthadarśanam . etajjñānamiti proktamajñānaṃ yadato.anyathā ||13-12|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 13.12. Constancy in the Self-knowledge; and viewing things of knowing the Reality-all this is declared to be [conducive to or manifesting] true knowledge, and what is opposed to this is [conducive to or manifesting] wrong knowledge. Shri Purohit Swami 13.12 Constant yearning for the knowledge of Self, and pondering over the lessons of the great Truth - this is Wisdom, all else ignorance....