BG: 18.7
Shloka नियतस्य तु संन्यासः कर्मणो नोपपद्यते | मोहात्तस्य परित्यागस्तामसः परिकीर्तितः ||१८-७|| Transliteration niyatasya tu saṃnyāsaḥ karmaṇo nopapadyate . mohāttasya parityāgastāmasaḥ parikīrtitaḥ ||18-7|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.7. The renunciation of the enjoined action does not stand to reason; and completely relinishing it, out of ignorance is proclaimed, on all sides, as an act of the Tamas (Strand). Shri Purohit Swami 18.7 It is not right to give up actions which are obligatory; and if they are misunderstood, it is the result of sheer ignorance....